How to: Ring Pour Fluid Art Technique | Acrylic Pour Tutorial

Author: Dana McGorlick-Appelman  Date Posted:9 November 2021 


Looking for a super easy art project? This Ring Pour Fluid Art technique is a fantastic option for beginner artists!


Hey everybody, It's Alysse from Art Shed! In today's video, I'll be showing you guys how to create a Ring Pour

For a ring pour, you want to use a pouring medium that won’t give you cells. For this, Im using the Mont Marte Acrylic Pouring Medium, and I’m mixing this in with the Mont Marte Satin Acrylics.

You could even choose to use are already premixed pouring paints

For this painting, I'll be using cadmium red, orange, medium, yellow, and white.

To mix my paints, I'll be using plastic cups and some Popsicle sticks

To start off, I always like to raise my canvas up of my work surface. I'm placing some plastic cups onto each corner of my canvas. This will allow for any excess paint to fall off the edge of my canvas.

For this technique you want to make sure that your paints are slightly on the thicker side than what you would do for other pores. This will give you more of a crisp and more defined ring. It will also help stop your paints from mixing.

It is also worth noting to use paints that are not transparent, so make sure you choose opaque colours. Again, this will give you more definition when you're pouring. You could also opt to use a heavier body to acrylic paint like our Monmouth dimension acrylics.

I always find a good indicator to know when you've got a good consistency of paint is by lifting your Popsicle Stick up out of your cup. You should find that slight peaks should fall when your paint falls back into the cup. A good ratio that I find easy to follow is to mix about one quarter paint to about three-quarters of your painting medium.

I always find that when you finish mixing all your paints, just to double-check that they're all around the same consistency.

For this technique, you will need to have an extra cup that you can use to pour all of your colours into.

You want to pour these colours in gently one on top of the other, trying your best to not let them mix together.

I find it easiest to pour your paints down the edge of the cup, rather than letting your paint fall in. Pouring your paint slowly down the edge of your cup will help you keep it more defined with crisp lines.

I'm just layering my colours. Not necessarily in any particular order.

Now let's get to pouring this. You want to make sure that you have is pretty steady hands and slowly pour your colours out in a circular, back and forth motion. This will give you those rings.

If you find it difficult to do this part, you could even try using a cup with a spout on it.

To give you that bit of extra control, be patient and do this part slowly. This next part is also quite important. Slowly, tilt your canvas in a round motion in the same way that your paint is sitting. This will help keep those rings as round as possible.

As you can see here, I'm slowly tilting the canvas back and forth in a circular motion until I slowly get to the edges of my canvas.

It might be hard to see, but there are a few little air bubbles. If you want to avoid this, try not to shake your paint like I did, or you could even pre-mix your paints the night before, or even a few hours before you want to do your poor and let the air bubbles rise to the surface.

Thanks for watching!Don't forget to show us your ring pour by tagging us on Instagram @artshedonline for your chance to be featured!

 Got questions? Send us an email at and our friendly team of artists will do their best to assist you.

Happy creating!


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