Create a Mixed Media 'Summer Vibes' Artwork with Acrylic Paint and Posca

Date Posted:19 December 2022 

We've combined two of your favourite styles - acrylic paint and posca pens - to create this 'Summer VIbes' mixed media artwork. See how easy it is below! 


Step 1:

Paint some abstract shapes on your canvas using the crafter's paint. Do several layers to ensure good coverage. We used colours from the Mont Marte Discovery Crafters Acrylic Paint Set 48pc x 60ml


Step 2: 

Grab your POSCA Pens and draw some flowers and leaves.

TIP: If you're a lefty (left-handed) like we are, use a piece of paper for smudge-proofing. Lay it down over the semi-dry pen and place your hand over the top, being careful not to move the paper around. Then to remove the paper, peel it straight up. 


Step 3:

Add embellishments like dots and leafy greens by adding some white to your chosen colours to change them slightly. 


Step 4:

Don't forget to varnish and hang near some leafy greens! 

We hope you enjoyed following our process in making this project as we really enjoyed making it! As always, stay creative and don't forget to tag us in all your creations on Instagram @artshedonline.


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Love this!

I love this blog thanks!

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